Porn clip played on crowded Patna junction TV screens for 3 minutes

Pratibha Blogs

 Travelers at the Patna Intersection rail route station were in for a shock on Sunday when television screens introduced at the stages showed a pornography video cut. Affirming the episode, a rail route official said on Monday the confidential administrator who was given the rights

"A serious note was taken of the pass when the matter was accounted for. The delicate granted to the administrator concerned has been ended forthwith and he is being boycotted for any future agreements", said Virendra Kumar, boss advertising official...

Individuals at Bihar's Patna railroad station were in for a shock when a porno began playing on the television screens introduced there. The occurrence occurred on Sunday around 9:30 AM, according to an India Today report. Individuals at the station, who were astounded when the porno began playing rather than the commercials on the station's television screens, recorded objections with the Public authority Rail route Police (GRP) and Rail route Insurance Power (RPF).

Obscured clasps of the episode have been circulating around the web on Twitter. The clasp was allegedly played for 3 minutes.

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